ProPresenter Not Working Over AirPlay

  1. Basic Troubleshooting
    1. Restart ProPresenter
    2. Restart Display (TV or Apple TV)
    3. Restart Mac
    4. If these steps do not solve the problem, continue to the next step.
  2. Enable AirPlay
    1. Before you begin Step 2, put your display in AirPlay mode or turn on your Apple TV.
    2. Go to System Preferences > Displays
    3. Click ‘Add Display’ at the bottom of the screen
    4. Select your display
    5. An icon should appear on your top menu bar.
  3. Configure Screens
    1. Go to ProPresenter > Screens > Configure Screens
    2. If you are using an audience screen, delete the stage screen
    3. If you are using a stage screen, delete the audience screen
    4. On the desired screen, go to Output > [AirPlay Display]
    5. Enable your desired screen
    6. Close screen configuration
    7. NOTE: If only outputting a single screen from ProPresenter over AirPlay, a bug can occur when having more than one screen can override the other (i.e. Stage overriding Audience and vise versa). This is why steps B. and C. are critical.


If a problem persists, please open a ticket.